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Sunday 20 December 2009

Volcano Cup

Hi all,

some pics below from a weekend of International cricket. Lots of fun although I was scorer on the Saturday which is more tiring than you might think. Played on Sunday, kept wicket when we fielded and actually took a catch behind of a player by the name of Illingworth. Then opened the batting scored ten runs off 5 balls and then rather stupidly got myself out LBW trying to pull a ball that stayed low. Oh well. One of the teams sponsors are the local brewery, so on Saturday we were quite literally invited to a piss up in a brewery. I put my poor performance on Sunday down to that.

Off to Mexico tomorrow (Monday 21st Dec) so hopefully have some photos and news of our hols up soon. Hope everyone is well and Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year, where ever you are spending it.

Team photo

The scorer hard at work. Not as easy as it looks.

Although I did receive a very nice plaque for my efforts.                                                    


In wicket keeping action.

A call up for England can't be far off. A possible replacement for Bell?

Judge trudges back to the Pavillion, a wry smile on his face. No more cricket for him today, although a nice cold beer and a big fat cigar await.

Anybody would think we had won!!

Thursday 10 December 2009


Hello everyone,

Another week nearly done and only a week of school left to Xmas. Looking forward to Mexico and relaxing on a Caribbean beach. However, before the holiday there is the small matter of El Salvador v Costa Rica. The international cricket fixture that everyone is talking about, well at least 50% of this household anyway. The squad for the two games was announced at the end of last week and I'm glad to say that I made that squad. Tonight was was the first of several training sessions before the first game and those in attendance got their team kit, ready for the big fixture. Pictures of which I have kindly included below.

In other news, Simmie is busy writing Xmas cards to send back to the UK. With luck you'll recieve them sometime around Easter.

Also visited an orphanage with the kids from my class today. We delivered presents and Xmas cards, sung some songs did some dancing and played football. Some pretty cute kids there and when they sung a thank you song at the end it tugged at the old heartstrings I can tell ya.

Pictures of the new season El Salvador Cricket kit.

I'm sure replica kits will be available soon in all good sports shops, and some rubbish ones too.

I think you'll agree, a pretty stylish bit of kit.

More on the sporting event of the decade in future posts.

Sunday 6 December 2009


Now I'm doing tweets, but they're rubbish. I've set myself the task of making them the most inane comments I can. This seems to be what everyone does, so I am in no way being original.

My twitter name is Superjammin, (yeah I know, cool) if you want to follow.


B & S

Xmas lunch.

Hey all

Forgot to take any pics, but Simmie and I have just returned from our first expat Xmas dinner. Well not my first I had an expat Xmas dinner in the Gulf in 1991when I was in the RN, but our first together. Funny having turkey, brussel sprouts and the rest. Although for me the big let down was the lack of funny hats and no crackers (except Simone).

On Saturday its our big Xmas/house warming party. I'm gonna try and get some video of the party next week on to the blog for all those who won't be able to make the party.

Happy Xmas(the first salutation of many) everyone.

B & S

Friday 27 November 2009

just trying out the blog "dash board" so know how it works. Not much else to report since the earthquake (well tremor) excitement the other day. Can't believe is December next week. Still feels like June! More Soon.

Thursday 26 November 2009



First proper earthquake today at school. Wasn't really big, but some of the kids got scared. Simmie was on the toilet at the time so I don't know if she was able to take the correct earthquake emergency procedures.

Planning our Xmas hols at the moment. We're going to head up to Mexico for a couple of weeks probably stay on the Island of Cozumel in the Caribbean and maybe spend a few days in Cancun for New Year. Hopefully do some diving, maybe check out some Mayan ruins and enjoy a relaxing white Xmas, well the sand will be white.

Until next time,

B & S xx

Monday 9 November 2009

Nicaragua trip

Had a fantastic week in Nicaragua during half term. A week isn't really long enough but it waas a good taster. Not as cheap as we thought it would be, but still not expensive. We started in Granada, a 384 mile trip from San Salvador which took us 11 and a half hours, which was the first city built by the Spanish in Central America. The journey down was ok, but slow and we were stopped by the police numerous times. Stayed in a lovely hotel which donates it profits to local education projects. We highly recommend it. After a couple of nights in Granada we headed to the coast, a place called San Juan Del Sur, where we stayed for three nights and gave us access to a number of totally deserted beaches where we had a very relaxing time although the roads to get to them were pretty bad a I wouldn't have liked to attempt them without 4 wheel drive. On Thursday headed north to the coast near Leon, the former capital. Stayed in a nice place just north of a nature reserve where we visited by boat on our last day there. Saw a variety of wildlife, but unfortunately the crocodiles stayed hidden. Drove back on Sunday which turned into an 11 hour journey due to the weather problems in El Salvador and the fact that we suffered a blowout in the rain added to our journey length. Although given what a lot of people were going through on Sunday, can't complain.

A church in Granada, of which there were many.

And another...

Lake Nicaragua, huge lake with volcanic island in the middle which we didn't visit this time, but is by all accounts a very nice place.

Another church.

The view from our room in Granada.

The volcano on the Lake.

There isn't always a seat inside the bus. However, they do provide exterior ladders to hang on to.

One of the many deserted beaches that we visited.

And another...

Our hotel on the estuary.

Sampling the local beer. V. tasty, I tried to my bit for the local economy by drinking as many of these as I could.

Simmi enjoys a solitary stroll along the beach.

I think we're alone now, there doesn't seem to be anyone around. (Copyright Tiffany 1987)

Nicaragua's best road!

The beating of our hearts is the only sound.

Wood for sale!

And with it I built this boat.

Couldn't get a puncture in the dry season.

Luckily everyone in El Salvador is a very slow and considerate driver so I felt in no danger whatsoever as I changed the wheel this close to the road.

Monday 19 October 2009


It's been a while and life goes on in El Salvador.

At long last our shipping has turned up, 3 months after we waved goodbye to it in London. Our house is now starting to look a bit more like home now. We've done some decorating and added some colour to our previously all white house. Also got some pictures up which makes a big difference.

El Salvador's World Cup bid ended in disappointment. A 4-1 defeat to Mexico was the knockout blow. We went to the stadium for there last game against Honduras. Big local derby so it was a sell out, but there was nothing to play for although Honduras won and ended up qualifying for the World Cup so good for them.

My attempts at surfing are going well and I actually managed to stand up on the board and not fall off instantly this weekend. I'm getting advice from one of the parents in my class who owns a surf lodge. I haven't cracked the big waves yet, but you gotta start somewhere.

We are off to Nicaragua, in a couple of weeks for the half term holiday. So we'll get some photos on the blog when we get back.

Ben & Sim

Sunday 27 September 2009

Lake Coatepeque

This weekend we visited Lake Coatepeque. A 120 metre deep and 6km wide volcanic crater lake. Located on the Eastern slope of Volcano Santa Ana, which last erupted 2 years ago. It's pretty exclusive as most of the shoreline is taken up with private homes belonging to wealthy Salvadorians. A trip around one side of the Lake on a jetski revealed some pretty impresive and large properties including one with a helicopter parked in the garden. Luckily,Mirna, my teaching assistant has a place there so we got to visit this Sunday. Even nicer is the fact that they have said we are welcome to go and stay anytime, so people planning on a visit can look forward to a stay at the lake. It's v. nice, as hopefully these photos will show.

The view from the road approaching the lake.

Simone and I in the classic "couple by a lake photo".

Down at water level.

The water was amazingly clean and nice and warm for swimming.

A nice view from the garden.

I feel as if the theme tune to Jaws should accompany this picture.

There was a selection of "boys toys" to keep me entertained.

Also a trampoline. No hilarious you've been framed type incidents to report though.

Big thank you to Mirna and Martin furthest right for their generosity and hospitality.

Cricket Season starts proper

Cricket season has now properly started with the first game of the season now over. After last week's joy came the disappointment of defeat. Although with some personal glory as I managed to be our teams top scorer. Nobody else got into double figures so it wasn't too difficult.

Follow the season and keep up to date with stats by checking out the website


Nice to see England managed a win though.

Saturday 19 September 2009

El Salvador cricket comp

After what seemed like an age the El Salvador cricket season got under way on Sat 19.9.09, with the McHugh/Alexander trophy. A one day limited overs tournament for the four teams in El Salvador. Lots of fun, made even funner by the fact that my team the Cuscatlan Chiefs ended the day with the trophy. I also managed to bag 3 wickets for 0 runs in my first over. My batting was rubbish though.

Pre tournament preparations.

The crowd were riveted!

Action from the first minute to the last.

The winning team.

It's good to get your hands on the trophy. This was solid gold and very heavy.

Thursday 10 September 2009

Central American football

Went to see El Salvador v Costa Rica in a World Cup Qualifier. It was a fantastic night. El Salvador is home to the biggest stadium in Central America "Estadio Cuscatlan" although it's not that big by UK standards with a capacity of 35,000.
Last night's game was pretty important and it was vital that they won. There are now two games left to play and they have to win them both if they are going to stand any chance of making the World Cup. They also need other results to go their way and even then they might only make the play off place. In that case they have to play the 5th placed South American team, currently Argentina. Oh dear!

The National Anthem

Traditionally, during the opposition's anthem, the El Salvador fans turn their backs on the pitch and raise their middle fingers.

Obviously, I had to join in!

Sim looks on unimpressed.

Not exactly Match of the Day, but the best I could do given my limited equipment. Enjoy!!