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Monday 9 November 2009

Nicaragua trip

Had a fantastic week in Nicaragua during half term. A week isn't really long enough but it waas a good taster. Not as cheap as we thought it would be, but still not expensive. We started in Granada, a 384 mile trip from San Salvador which took us 11 and a half hours, which was the first city built by the Spanish in Central America. The journey down was ok, but slow and we were stopped by the police numerous times. Stayed in a lovely hotel which donates it profits to local education projects. We highly recommend it. After a couple of nights in Granada we headed to the coast, a place called San Juan Del Sur, where we stayed for three nights and gave us access to a number of totally deserted beaches where we had a very relaxing time although the roads to get to them were pretty bad a I wouldn't have liked to attempt them without 4 wheel drive. On Thursday headed north to the coast near Leon, the former capital. Stayed in a nice place just north of a nature reserve where we visited by boat on our last day there. Saw a variety of wildlife, but unfortunately the crocodiles stayed hidden. Drove back on Sunday which turned into an 11 hour journey due to the weather problems in El Salvador and the fact that we suffered a blowout in the rain added to our journey length. Although given what a lot of people were going through on Sunday, can't complain.

A church in Granada, of which there were many.

And another...

Lake Nicaragua, huge lake with volcanic island in the middle which we didn't visit this time, but is by all accounts a very nice place.

Another church.

The view from our room in Granada.

The volcano on the Lake.

There isn't always a seat inside the bus. However, they do provide exterior ladders to hang on to.

One of the many deserted beaches that we visited.

And another...

Our hotel on the estuary.

Sampling the local beer. V. tasty, I tried to my bit for the local economy by drinking as many of these as I could.

Simmi enjoys a solitary stroll along the beach.

I think we're alone now, there doesn't seem to be anyone around. (Copyright Tiffany 1987)

Nicaragua's best road!

The beating of our hearts is the only sound.

Wood for sale!

And with it I built this boat.

Couldn't get a puncture in the dry season.

Luckily everyone in El Salvador is a very slow and considerate driver so I felt in no danger whatsoever as I changed the wheel this close to the road.


  1. Ben -you are really making me laugh with the tiffany lyrics! Huge thanks again for the birthday vouchers - i treated myself to an indian head massage. I really need to sort out skype -stupid iphone! lots of love to both of you. ps i bought the nexr carlos ruis zafron book! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Cool, let us know if it's any good.
