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Sunday 27 September 2009

Lake Coatepeque

This weekend we visited Lake Coatepeque. A 120 metre deep and 6km wide volcanic crater lake. Located on the Eastern slope of Volcano Santa Ana, which last erupted 2 years ago. It's pretty exclusive as most of the shoreline is taken up with private homes belonging to wealthy Salvadorians. A trip around one side of the Lake on a jetski revealed some pretty impresive and large properties including one with a helicopter parked in the garden. Luckily,Mirna, my teaching assistant has a place there so we got to visit this Sunday. Even nicer is the fact that they have said we are welcome to go and stay anytime, so people planning on a visit can look forward to a stay at the lake. It's v. nice, as hopefully these photos will show.

The view from the road approaching the lake.

Simone and I in the classic "couple by a lake photo".

Down at water level.

The water was amazingly clean and nice and warm for swimming.

A nice view from the garden.

I feel as if the theme tune to Jaws should accompany this picture.

There was a selection of "boys toys" to keep me entertained.

Also a trampoline. No hilarious you've been framed type incidents to report though.

Big thank you to Mirna and Martin furthest right for their generosity and hospitality.

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