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Wednesday 24 February 2010

Antigua, Guatemala


Life continues it's non stop whirlwind of work, visitors and excessive amounts of alcohol and food. Mum leaves on Friday and as I write this Sim's Mum and Dad are in the air from Housten due in about 90 mins.

Spent last weekend in Antigua, Guatemala which is an old Spanish colonial town, not disimilar to Granada in Nicaragura. More tourists in Antigua though and more of all the stuff that more tourists bring. Still a very nice place though with a really nice feel about it. We spent quite a few hours just sitting in the main square watching the world go by. Sim and I will be making another visit in the near future. we'd quite like to climb the live volcano nearby and just spend a bit more time there.

This is the garden of the hotel we stayed in. Very nice.

This is the cathederal in the main square. Interestingly the burial place of the Spanish historian and Conquistador Bernal Diaz. The man who was a member of all three Mexico expeditians, including the one with Hernan Cortes that led to the destruction of the Aztec Empire. 


Mum relaxing in the main square.

There were some lovely views almost around every corner.

And again with the volcano.

Antigua was the capital of Guatemala from 1541 until a large earthquake in 1773 destroyed large parts of it. Much of it is now preserved as ruins.

Cobbled streets and a lovely clock tower Tourist heaven.

All the streets pretty much look like this one.

Unfortunately we didn't manage to get any footage of our little gig- ben on the drums and sim singing.


  1. Antigua looks AMAZING! I´ve heard a lot about it. Thanks for the video tip, Ben. So when´s it time for you to post some percussive action on the blog? x

  2. Mauro says (verbatim): Sim, pull your finger out. Write something! xx
