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Saturday 24 April 2010

Rest of Roadtrip


I'm back AGAIN, just deleteted Ben's comments about waiting months for next post! So where did I get to last time?  We'd made it down to the coast closer to Honduras, spent the night at some interesting  accomodation and left early the next morning for La Union, a port town where we would get a boat to Isla Meanguera. So we arrived in La Union in good time. Parked the car up in some bar restaurant car park and eventually walked round the corner to the "port". Luckily I'd phoned the hotel who'd told me to look for or phone "Don Santos" as it was pure port chaos. I say port but more of a little harbour full or smallish boats, kids trying to carry your luggage, lots of kids swimming in the really clean water, lots of shouting, lots of people in boats, lots of people wading out to the boats already full with lots of people and their bags, boxes bags of veg, eggs, ice, chairs and gas bottles and lots of people hovering around selling a variety of snacks for the journey. Or the wait for the journey as it turned out.

The first boat our luggage was lead to looked rather full, was leaving early and didnt belong to Santos and could've been going to any of the islands so after lots more shouting (not by us) the luggage came back.
Luckily around the same time a girl who'd been doing the hotel's weekly big shop  spotted us (4 gringos so not difficult) and told us Santos was on his way. Santos' boat seemed to arrive before he did and we were the first on soon to be surrounded by lots more people, lots more bags, lots more of everything...
so after sitting on the boat for about an hour we finally left and had all the comfort you expect for a journey lasting about an hour and costing three bux. So we reached the island, dropped off a few people and each time we stopped we had the saga of someone's bags being at the underneath everyone elses. So we were quite glad when it was our turn to get off at the hotel.

The hotel was right next to the sea and we spent the next two days doing very little.Well plenty of eating, good fresh fish and drinking (the weekend coincided with Gav's "stagaversary" so of course Gav and Ben weren't going to let that slip by) . We did manage a kayaking trip round the little island opposite which at one point got a little rougher than we'd bargained for but we all made it back without capsising. In the afternoon we got a boat to the beach and spent a few hours there having "beach fun" (see below) before returning for some (stop!) Hammock Time. All in all was a great spot for a few relaxing days doing not much.

 lounging area for hammock time
  playing in the sea                                                      another rammed beach

 a continuacion ....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Simone and Ben,
    I can't believe I am finally posting a comment on your blog.
    So sorry I haven't been in touch at all! It's not that I haven't been thinking about you guys or indeed reading about all your antics and adventures because I have, it's just because I haven't managed to get my arse into gear and type!
    Anyway, how are you both? Judging from your entries you're both doing brilliantly ;o)
    You are packing into a year away what most people wouldn't do in a few years at home.
    I feel I have stood still in comparison.
    I love the quips from Ben introducing the photos - they are highly entertaining. How's the work side of life at the school? Is it everything you thought it would be?
    I can see from the photos that the travelling aspect is brilliant fun.
    News from this side of the water is that Lizzie from Goldsmith's got married in February - it was a lovely white snowy wedding. Jenny and Craig returned from their Paris adventure. Just missed Dee at a get together in Jenny'slast weekend and heard that Laura who was also at Goldsmith's has just had her first baby! I heard also that Charlotte is planning on working overseas but I forget where? And Claire Lusc is applying for jobs in the Middle East! It's all go. Will keep viewing your blog to see what fun you've been up to. Take care, love Derv xxx
