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Tuesday 26 January 2010

visit to Suchitoto

Hello again,

So while Steve and Tiff were here they went to visit Suchitoto and old Spanish colonial town, north of San Salvador about 90 minutes drive. Simmie and I had never been there before so we decided to go and visit this weekend.

We stayed in a lovely hotel that overloked the square and had a fab time. Very laid back and totally different to San Salvador. It's on the edge of a man made lake which looks fab from a distance but turned out to be a bit of a disappointment close up, but the walk there and back was good exercise. Great place though and well worth the visit I'm sure we'll be going back at some point.

If you can be bothered check out the pics at the link below.



B& S

First visitors

So we got back from Mexico on the Friday night and on Monday Stephen Keeling (old friend from school, for those who don't know Steve) turned up for a week long long visit from his current home in New York and was joined by his wife on the Wednesday.

Had a great time and it was great to see Steve again, it had been a while. Discovered some cool things while they were here including a really nice restaurant halfway up the volcano and an excellent place to stay on the coast.

We also took them to some, already, old faves including Kamkura the best sushi in town and Cafe Sunzal which has some good food and even better views. Some good stuff to look forward to if you're taking the plunge and coming out to visit at some point.

More news tomorrow.

Xmas and New Year Hols

Sorry dudes, we have been like totally rubbish recently regards updating the blog. So gonna try a major update now.

Had a totally amazing holiday over Xmas. Drove the car up to Mexico through Guatemala and Belize and spent a couple of weeks enjoying the beach and just kicking back and relaxing. For the first couple of weeks we were joined by a couple of friends from school Jo and John and then Jo flew back to El Salvador the day before NYE and John, Simmie and I stayed for another week.

After a visit to Flores in Guatemala on the way up and another night in Corozal in Belize we spent the first part of our time in Mexico in a place called Tulum. The first place we stayed was a little bit basic and after an accident involving John falling drunkenly from the poorly lit path, which resulted in 3 stitches in his knee the following morning, we moved on. We spent the rest of our time there at a place called Hemingway’s and it was awesome. Right on the beach and run by this Italian woman and her family and boy could they cook. It was here that we spent Xmas day. We also visited the Mayan ruins while we were there and although perhaps not the most spectacular in Mexico they were still pretty cool.

We then moved on to a small island called Cozumel where we did a little bit of scuba, quite a bit of drinking, the tequila was very good and lots of eating. It is also cruise ship central and on one day there was no less than nine cruise ships docked. That's a lot of American tourists with a lot of loud voices. Nevertheless, we still had a huge amount of fun and we had a very good New Years Eve here. Started by the hotel we were staying at who put on free food and bubbly to get the evening started.

We then moved on to the small island of Islas Mujeres just off the coast from Cancun, and although it was very nice the weather had taken a turn for the worse and I was suffering from a pretty bad ear infection which meant no diving and no laying on the beach. We still managed to entertain ourselves and even found a little fish and chip shop where we were all able to purchase chips and gravy to warm us up by the seaside.

Our last stop was a small fishing village called Puerto Morales, which is located 30 mins drive south of Cancun. I'm sure it won't be quiet for much longer and chatting to a guy who'd lived there for the past 7 years it would seem that Americans are starting to buy up property in the area. The next Cancun no doubt. Hotel was a bit of a dump, but there were plenty of nice places to eat and drink and the beach was pretty much deserted, there was even a second hand bookstore which was a real treat and we did well to leave without blowing all our money on books.

The drive home was incident free, apart from the news about Eva, and I was quite surprised that our 20 year old car made the trip without any problems at all. Due to the length of time it takes to download photos to this site I'm adding a link that will direct you to all the photos on Flickr.com. Hopefully it'll work, if not I'll put some photos up tomorrow.

Warning people viewing this entire collection of photos in one go may suffer sever boredom.







More news tomorrow,

Friday 1 January 2010

Xmas Party

Just a few pics from our recent Xmas/house warming party. Simmie wanted to write an entry about it, but she never got round to it. The theme was Xmas at the beach and some people made more effort than others. Pretty good night and we've made some good friends in the time we've been here.

The dance floor complete with glitter ball.

The cheese and pineapple on sticks went down a treat.

Nice to be out in the garden on a December night.

Some people did make an effort to follow the dress code.

It's supposed to be a surf board.

The gardener came round specially to trim the garden pre party.

I worked particularly hard on my outfit.

Simmie had her dress specially made, and looked amazing of course.