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Sunday 30 August 2009

Through the keyhole.

Steven Spielberg and George Lucas will hardly be quaking in their boots, and I wont be holding my breath when the Oscars come round, but you've gotta start somewhere.

I've put it to music as I couldn't afford Lloyd Grossman to do the voiceover.

Our "new" car

After what seems like an age we at last have a car for exploring. It's a 1990 Mitsubishi Montetro for those who are interested (boys). Compared to the UK, prices are expensive but we got a pretty good deal at only $2500.

I think you'll all agree a real beauty.

Monday 24 August 2009

Barrow uncovered

This previously unseen footage from the shed party at Ben & Sim's leaving BBQ.

It reminds me of Ibiza. Sort of!!

Thursday 20 August 2009

The first 10 days.

Hello all,

It's been a pretty manic first 10 days. We were lucky enough to find a house on the first day. Photos of which are below, pre furniture. Once we're furnished and it looks a little more homely we'll post some more. It took a few days to sort the contract, but we were moved in by the Thursday, which was nice. Although we were enjoying the facilities at the Holiday Inn, particularly the breakfast.

The day before we had been up to one of the many volcanoes that surround San Salvador. Pictures below. Pretty amazing and so close to where we live. Then some proper sampling of local life watching El Salvador in a world cup qualifier. If they ever make it to the finals this place will just go crazy.

The day after we moved into our new house we went down to the beach and spent the night and spent Saturday there also. Pictures below. Only 30 mins away and virtually deserted. It is the rainy season, but that just seems to mean rains at night sunny during the day. One thing we did notice was the how much hotter it gets at the beach. We live about 900m above sea level which gives us a nice breeze and keeps the temp in the low 30s.

On the way back on Saturday went to La Libertad to visit the fish market, again pictures below. Loads of fresh fish and cheap, cheap, cheap.

Since Monday we've been back to work, 3 days of INSET and today the kids started back.

Feel free to leave a comment or e-mail. Should be getting internet connection at home tomorrow so should be able to start skyping soon.


B & S

La libertad

Local fishing boat! Just like to state the bleeding obvious.

La Libertad pier. Famous for it's fish market.

Although Simone wasn't impressed with the smell.

A big fish. Also seen but not photographed, little fish and a cardboard box.

Playa San Blas

This isn't as comfortable as it looks. Oh ok it is!
I know it's hard to believe that someone who looks so natural with a surfboard could be quite so useless when they get into the water.

Simone in her natural habitat.

Our digs for the night. They were very nice, but I hate it when one has to walk so far to get to the beach in the morning. Not a bad way to spend $15

This was about as crowded as it got.

New House

Nice back garden, with hammock hanging area.

The late afternoon sun, offers plenty of chance to catch some rays.

The view from the back door.


The view from the street. Armed guard not shown.

Volcano Boqueron

The view from the lip of the volcano is pretty spectacular.
Lots of wildlife, this butterfly was the only thing that stayed still long enough to be photographed.

Here I am modelling the El Salvador national football shirt in preperation for an important world cup qualifier due to take place that evening. They lost 1-0 to Trinidad and Tobago. Just 10 mins before we arrived at the pub to watch the match several people had been robbed at gun point in the bar. Welcome to El Salvador. By all accounts though a very rare occurance.

All this is only a 15 min drive from San Salvador.

Not sure if living this close to a volcano is good or bad.

Monday 10 August 2009

Day One

Very busy first day in El Salvador. Did some paperwork first thing at school and then got a tour of the place from the head. Amazing. Lots of greenery and palm trees and sports fields and swimming pools and theatres. Working in a private school is gonna be a different world.

Then it was off to look at some property. We've managed to find something we like on the first day. Nice and big, so lots of space for visitors. Good size garden which is gonna be perfect for BBQ's and parties. Garage for motorcycle storage when I get round to purchasing one. Hopefully we should have moved in by the weekend, then I'll get some pictures up. Hey if you're lucky maybe even a video tour.

I'm also considering renaming this place El Smileador. Everyone is so friendly and smiley. It's brilliant.

Hasta luego B & S

We've arrived.

Thankfully a totally uneventful journey. Door to door it took 24 hours, but we're here now and the sun is shining. Totally knackered and not much to report. Pictures and news soon.

B & S

Sunday 2 August 2009

Some photos from the BBQ. Not all of them are here but if you'd like to see more click on this link

Food, drink, brilliant sunshine, great people.

In the party shed

It's air guitar time. One of us is a pro, but which one????

Due to the inclement weather the shed was where it was happening.

Pretty exclusive crowd. Pete Tong is just out of shot. Barrow is the new Ibiza.

Uk in August so obviously we needed a big fire.

Cheerio from the Jackson clan.

Bacon butties all round, weather much nicer once BBQ is over.

The last guests depart.

TJ and I discuss the finer points of the Honda VFR's VTEC engine. Interesting boys!!!

Jasper working hard to help put the tent away.

He wasn't drunk, so his illness must be down to a dodgy burger!