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Friday 31 July 2009

Hello, hello

We now have a camera with built in microphone, we are ready to skype. Our skype user name is ben.judge7. So that's something good that has happened today.

On the down side I am beginning to thinkI might never see our books or my golf clubs again. Having waited all day last Thursday for Excess Baggage Company to turn up. Them "Yes we'll be there between 8am and 3pm". Us "OK". Us at 10.30am "Hi just ringing to see if you can give a time to expect our stuff to be picked up". Them "They will be there before 12.00". Us "OK". Us at 2.00 "Hi, we were told the van to pick up our stuff would be here by 12.00 it's not been yet can you give us an idea when they might be here?". Them "Yeah they're in SW9 they'll be with you soon". Us "OK". Anyway they turned up at 7.15pm the driver had none of our paperwork because apparently another van should have been to get our stuff.

One week after the stuff has been picked up Sim has rung them about 5 times they never ring back and today they tell us the paperwork has only just turned up, boxes sitting in a wharehouse in North London. So our stuff may turn up just before we are due to leave El Salvador. If anyone reading is thinking of shipping stuff overseas can I suggest that you don't use Excess Baggage AKA London Baggage.

Tomorrow, leaving BBQ at Dad's place, photos to follow.

B & S

Friday 17 July 2009


Here are some photos from last night. Big thanks to everyone who came, it was a great night Sim and I had a brilliant time. Feeling pretty rubbish today though.

This was my view of things by the end of the night. Blurry

And it rained.

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Packing done

In an attempt to make this the most boring blog in the history of blogs here are some pictures of some boxes with Sim added to give an idea of scale. Doesn't seem very many really.

Monday 13 July 2009

4 weeks to go

Hello everybody,

Just 4 weeks to go till we head off on our big Central American adventure. Paperwork is all done and packing is almost complete of all the things we're shipping out.

Thursday is the first of several leaving drinks at Camino in Kings Cross. If I remember my camera there should be photos to see at the weekend. At the moment not much to write about but this is my first attempt at a blog and I'm sure they will get better.


B & S